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Fig. 1 | BMC Zoology

Fig. 1

From: Increased spatial resolution of sampling in the Carpathian basin helps to understand the phylogeny of central European stream-dwelling gudgeons

Fig. 1

The distribution of the recently accepted Middle Danubian/Carpathian Gobio species (a) and the estimated distribution of Gobio lineages in the Carpathian basin and its surrounding areas derived from mtCR phylogenetic data (b). On subfigure a: orange: G. obtusirostris (Go), blue: G. carpathicus (Gc). The different shaped signs at sample sites show the appearence of different haplogroups: G. obtusirostris: orange triangle, SW haplogroup: red star, G. carpathicus: blue cross, G. gobio: white rectangle, G. sp.1: green circle. Yellow, red, blue and green shaded areas show the estimated distribution area of G. obtusirostris, the Southwest haplogoup, G. carpathicus and the G. sp. 1 haplogroups, respectively. The geographic distribution of our 11 sample sites in the Southeast area of Carpathian basin is shown by numbered white icons. Site numbering corresponds with Table 1. A black dashed line shows the border of the newly surveyed area. White dotted lines show country borders. Country codes are showed by grey letters. Location of the studied area in Europe is indicated on subfigure c. In this subfigure the collection sites of other close relative Gobio species also used for the phylogenetic analyses are indicated: G. skadarensis: ×, G. ohridanus: , G. sp.2: *, G. insuyanus: ♦. Base map was generated by QGIS sofware using layers freely available from European Environment Agency (EEA). Sources of distribution data on subfigure a:, and: The certain localities and the presumed distribution areas of the Gobio lineages indicated from the Middle Danubian area were drawn using the information provided by Mendel et al. [17], Takács et al. [37], Zangl et al. [38]. Note: due to the relatively small scale of the map the sample sites are only approximate positions, and if more lineages appeared at the same sites the icons were slightly shifted

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